Saturday, January 16, 2010

Tip #1 How to: Chat with your Facebook friends using Firefox Sidebar

chat facebook friends sidebar firefox
We all like to chat via Facebook Chat application with our Facebook Friends. Wouldn't be just perfect to continue chatting even if we aren't at a Facebook's page? The following Facebook tip helps you do exactly that. Chat with your friends while not at Facebook.(Warning:This tip was made with Firefox. The settings should me similar with other browsers).

Here is the tip:
Step 1:Of course, you need to have a Facebook account (if reading this article you probably have one).
Step 2:Go to after making sure that your computer is currently connected to Facebook.
Step 3:On the top navigation panel look for the Bookmarks tab.
Step 4:Click the Bookmark This Page option and then click Done.
Step 5:If everything is ok until this step go at the Bookmarks tab and then at the Recently Boomarked option and there you should find the "Facebook | Facebook Chat" bookmark. Press right click and then properties and mark the "Load this bookmark in the sidebar" option.
Step 6:Again on the top navigation panel look for the View tab
Step 7:Go to the Sidebar option and click the Bookmarks option.
Step 8:As you'll notice Firefox Sidebar poped up on the left of your browser.
Step 9:You should find "Facebook | Facebook Chat" bookmark at the Bookmarks Menu or somewhere at the other menus there if you have made any other option of your own.
Step 10:Click "Facebook | Facebook Chat" bookmark and you are ok. You now have successfully placed facebook on your sidebar.
Have fun.