Monday, January 18, 2010

Tip #3 How to: Have a secret friend in Facebook

facebook logo secret friends pic
This is a tip i came across the other day while searching for useful tips for bestfacebooktips blog. Actually, it is a trick that helps you have a secret friend on Facebook (by saying secret friend i mean someone that remains unknown to your other Facebook friends). As i said i copied this tip, it's not mine and i don't take any credit for it. I found it in a Facebook group with very interesting tips. The author of this tip-trick is some guy called Matthew. Read the tip below.

Here is the tip:

The person you are going to have as a secret friend has to co-operate for this to work.
Step 1: Create a group, name it anything you'd like.
Step 2: After creating the group you can go to the customize page and set the group to "Secret"

You may also like: How to hide friends list in Facebook.

Step 3: (I've found no way around this) Make the secret friend a regular friend (it's the only way you can send them an invite to join the group)
Step 4: Have the secret friend accept the friend request

You may also like: How to secretly accept a friend request on Facebook.

Step 5: Send the secret friend an invite to the secret group
Step 6: Have the secret friend accept the group request

Must Read : How to Hack Facebook account - Steal Password

Step 7: Unfriend the secret friend.
top secret facebook friends pic

You and the secret friend can now "share" things with each other through the secret group.

Comment below and have fun.


  1. How do I see the secret friend in my friend list?

  2. You won't see the secret friend in your friend list because you will have already unfriended him. As it is suggested by the post you will communicate with him through your secret group. You have to admit this was a quick reply... Have fun.

  3. I agree with h1jacker. Thanks admin for this trick

  4. Thank you for the information, I think this article is very useful for all who read it.
